International forskning

Examining the moderating role of cannabis use on the relationship between alcohol consumption and inflammation in individuals with alcohol use disorder

Erica N. Grodin, Kaitlin R. McManus, Lara A. Ray

Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA

Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA

Brain Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA


Inflammation appears to be a critical mechanism in the development of alcohol use disorder (AUD) and a consequence of chronic alcohol use. The potential anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis may modulate the proinflammatory effects of alcohol. This study sought to extend previous work investigating the relationship between alcohol consumption, cannabis use and circulating interleukin (IL)-6 levels in a sample with AUD. One hundred and thirty-three individuals with an AUD provided blood samples to assess IL-6 and answered questions regarding alcohol and cannabis use. An ordinary least squares multiple regression analysis was conducted to assess the effect of alcohol and cannabis use on IL-6. A moderation analysis examined cannabis use as a potential moderator of the relationship between alcohol use and circulating IL-6 levels. Alcohol use was predictive of higher log IL-6 levels (standardized β = 0.16, p = 0.03), while cannabis use was not predictive of log IL-6 levels (p = 0.36). Days of cannabis use moderated the relationship between alcohol use and IL-6 levels, such that the relationship between alcohol use and IL-6 levels was only significant in individuals with AUD without recent cannabis use. This study extends previous work to a clinical sample with an AUD and underscores the importance of considering cannabis use in studies on alcohol use and inflammation. This study also indicates the need for in-depth analyses on cannabinoids and inflammation and the interaction between cannabinoids and alcohol use on inflammation.