Forskningsprojekter i Danmark

  • 8 dec
    Original: Brain Behav .

    Cannabis Use and Age-Related Changes in Cognitive Function From Early Adulthood to Late Midlife in 5162 Danish Men

    Introduction: Cannabis is by far the most widely used and abused drug listed on the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Schedule I, which includes drugs with a high potential for abuse. There is evidence of short-term negative effects of cannabis use on cognition, but only a limited number of studies have explored the association between cannabis use and […]

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  • 8 dec
    Original: Ugeskr Læger

    Cannabismedicin til kroniske smerter

    Kroniske smerter er defineret som vedvarende eller tilbagevendende smerter af mindst tre måneders varighed [1] og estimeres at forekomme hos ca. 20% af den danske befolkning [2]. Der skelnes mellem forskellige smertetilstande afhængigt af de patofysiologiske smertemekanismer bag: nociceptive, neuropatiske, en blandingstilstand eller nociplastiske [1]. Til lindring af smerter anvendes en række konventionelle smertestillende lægemidler, […]

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  • 24 maj
    Original: Ugeskr Laeger .

    Cannabis medicine for chronic pain

    In the last decade, patients with chronic pain have expressed increasing interest in cannabis-derived products for adjuvant therapy when treatment is deemed refractory to conventional analgesics. At present, clinical evidence to support this treatment approach appears to be sparse. Not because clinical studies as such are lacking, but rather as a result of methodological bias […]

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  • 4 mar
    Original: Eur Heart J .

    Cannabis for chronic pain: cardiovascular safety in a nationwide Danish study

    Background and aims: A rising number of countries allow physicians to treat chronic pain with medical cannabis. However, recreational cannabis use has been linked with cardiovascular side effects, necessitating investigations concerning the safety of prescribed medical cannabis. Methods: Using nationwide Danish registers, patients with chronic pain initiating first-time treatment with medical cannabis during 2018-21 were identified and […]

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  • 2 feb
    Original: Clinical and translational science

    Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cannabis-based medicine in a patient population included in a randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial

    Information on the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of orally administered cannabis-based medicine (CBM) in capsule formulation in patient populations is sparse. In this exploratory study, we aimed to evaluate the PK and PD in a probable steady state of CBM in neuropathic pain and spasticity in a population of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). […]

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  • 20 aug
    Original: Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology

    Appetite stimulation with cannabis-based medicine and methods for assessment of glomerular filtration in older patients with medical illness: A study protocol

    Background and aim Malnutrition in older patients is linked to poor appetite. Cannabis-based medicine may have orexigenic properties in older patients, but this has to our knowledge never been investigated. In older patients, uncertainty applies to the accuracy of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) based on creatinine, which is crucial for medication prescribing. In older […]

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  • 24 mar
    Original: BMC Primary Care

    GPs’ prescription patterns, experience, and attitudes towards medicinal cannabis—a nationwide survey at the early stage of the Danish test scheme

    Background: On 1 January 2018 a four-year test scheme concerning use of medicinal cannabis (MC) was enacted. It has recently been extended for four more years by the Danish Parliament permitting all Danish physicians to prescribe MC to their patients. Previous studies have shown that general practitioners (GPs) have varying prescription experience, little knowledge, and […]

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  • 2 feb
    Original: European Journal of Pain

    Safety and effectiveness of cannabinoids to Danish patients with treatment refractory chronic pain—A retrospective observational real-world study

    Behandling med cannabismedicin til patienter med kroniske smerter vinder større indpas i disse år, særligt til gruppen af patienter, som oplever utilstrækkelig smertelindring af konventionel medicin (eks. morfin) og/ eller oplever uacceptable bivirkninger til denne. Dette studie er udgået fra en dansk smerteklinik og belyser udkom af behandling med magistrelt fremstillet indeholdende tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) og/eller […]

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